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Explanation and Ressources

This example is showing a common example for the cases of row deleteion. In this case, the link is not protected and an hidden and unprotected page item is used to store the value of the selected row / ID. Using browser tools, we can easily manipulate the ID and delete any row if the ID exists.
Details about this problem and use case can be found in our Blog here: Implementing Checksum-Based Interactive Report Row Deletion

Delete (unprotected)

  • 1 - 10 of 10
Value 1Attribute 1
Value 2Attribute 2
Value 3Attribute 3
Value 4Attribute 4
Value 5Attribute 5
Value 6Attribute 6
Value 7Attribute 7
Value 8Attribute 8
Value 9Attribute 9
Value 10Attribute 10
  • 1 - 10 of 10